Comedian Ajebo revealed that he don't allow negativety to weigh him down

Comedian Ajebo

Emeka Erem, better known by his stage name Ajebo, is a Nigerian comedian and content producer who has admitted that he typically avoids harsh criticism.

He claimed in an interview that he surrounds himself with positive individuals, particularly his family.

Ajebo, who identified himself as a media communications specialist, said he is aware of the idea of different perceptions, therefore he does not anticipate universal acceptance or humor.

The cartoonist also discussed how he finds time for his family despite his hectic schedule.

He said, “I take time to relax. I hang out with my kids a lot. I am very involved in their lives. I work from home, so I am always available to spend time with them. I also stay away from any form of negative energy. I surround myself with positive energy, great minds and most importantly, my family.

The comic recalled a time when his spontaneity on stage helped him deal with an unforeseen situation.

He said, “Aside from being a comedian, I am a media communications professional, so I know that people perceive information from different perspectives. Not everybody will understand one, and that is okay. I take constructive criticisms and work on them. However, I ignore negative criticisms.

“About five years ago, my friend, Mike Ezuruonye (an actor), was hosting a show and he threw jabs at me. AY (the comedian) called me out from the audience. I got on stage and delivered just one line that threw the hall into thunderous laughter for about three minutes. It felt really good.”

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